Adjusting a new cat to your dog

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So… I apparently decided that I didn’t have enough animals, so I adopted a kitten just as well. Technically, the head of the department gave him to me for free.  He’s a white cat with orange tips on his ears and tail and brilliant blue eyes.  He’s something else entirely. 

Now the key thing is: how do I get a cat to like dogs? Besides rewriting history, it’s actually rather simple.  I’ve only had my kitten since Tuesday (which is about three or so days) and most of the week, I’ve been out of my apartment.  And I mean out like… day out.  Either way, yes my kitten likes the dogs now. How did it happen?  I just gave it a bit of time and I didn’t baby the kitten when he hissed at the dogs.  I honestly encourage people to let their cats set the boundary for the dogs.  It’s far easier than anything else. The kitten can hiss and swat, and to be honest, cat’s have better weapons than dogs do.

So, I brought the kitten home and amidst all the excitement, I tried to get it to be comfortable which was the hardest thing.  The dogs were constantly trying to attack it with love and kindness combined with just trying to figure out what the thing was.

The kitten hissed and hissed and hissed and swatted and hissed even more that first day.  I couldn’t blame him, the dogs were all in his poor little face.  Titus especially, he just wanted to love him and kitty wasn’t ready.  Day two, the kitten mostly ignored Ti’s antics, all the butt licking and grooming.  And then, today, the kitten is actually enjoying it.  He starts purring when Ti grooms him (which is always).  I promise this cat will be thinking he’s a dog or something by the time he’s an adult.

What did we learn? Cats and dogs can happily coexist.  It is easier, however, to have animals that will be adults around the same weight.  It’s not good to try to have a kitten and a Labrador.  But since I have Cavalier King Charles (They max out at about 18lbs) which are already very gentle dogs and then I got the biggest kitten.  I’m not worried.  My hardest thing is getting the Cavaliers to give the kitty breathing room

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